Our Team

We work with passionate professionals to empower caregivers to provide emotionally-meaningful experiences for your child.

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Thomas Ho

Clinical Leader
Senior Occupational Therapist
DIRFloortime Practitioner (DIR-Proficient)

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳

Joan Ng

Specific Needs Educator
DIRFloortime Practitioner (DIR-Expert)

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Julie Giles

Clinical Consultant
Senior Speech and Language Therapist

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳

Frances Occhipinti

Clinical Psychologist

Vivien Lee Educational Psychologist 教育心理學家 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Vivien Lee

Educational Psychologist

Ricky Tso Educational Psychologist 教育心理學家 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Dr. Ricky Tso

Educational Psychologist

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Alexander Yiu

Occupational Therapist
DIRFloortime Practitioner (DIR-Basic)

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Fiona Yim

Occupational Therapist
DIRFloortime Practitioner (DIR-Basic)

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Coley Yeung

Senior Occupational Therapist

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Joyce Cheng

Senior Occupational Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Sonia Yu

Occupational Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Steve Chan

Senior Occupational Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Leah Liu

Occupational Therapist
DIRFloortime Practitioner (DIR-Advanced)

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Jonathan Li

Occupational Therapist

Preston Leung Educational Psychologist 教育心理學家 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Preston LEUNG

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Educational Psychologist 教育心理學家 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Phoebe LEE

Occupational Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Vanessa TAN

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Stacey Pevcic

Senior Speech and Language Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Karen Lo

Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Vivian Mak Speech and Langauge Therapist 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Vivian Mak

Speech and Language Therapist
DIRFloortime Practitioner (DIR-Basic)

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Ann Lee

Speech and Language Therapist

Longson Ng 言語治療師 TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Longson NG

Speech and Language Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment


Speech and Language Therapist

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Justin MAK

Speech and Language Therapist

旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment

Bonnie Lam

Special Child Care Worker

TKO Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳 旺角 太子 Mongkok Prince Edward The Children's Centre Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy 言語治療 職業治療 心理學評估 Psychological Assessment


Specific Needs Educator

Picture of Joan Ng -  Founder | DIRFloortime Expert Training Leader | Specific Needs Educator

Joan Ng - Founder | DIRFloortime Expert Training Leader | Specific Needs Educator

About Joan

Professional Qualifications

- Certified DIRFloortime® Expert Training Leader (DIR-Expert)
- Registered Teacher
- Trained in Numicon® Intervention Programme
- Trained in The Zones of Regulation®
- Trained in Natural Language Acquisition in Autism
- Certificate in SEE-KS®
- Certificate in the SCERTS® Model
- Trained in Handwriting Without Tears®


M.SoSc. (Psychology)
B.Ed. (Hons) (Special Needs)

Joan has over 16 years of experience working with children from birth to 10 years old with a wide range of developmental and learning needs. She has worked closely with a team of professionals including occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers and teachers. Through this experience, Joan has developed skills to identify each child’s unique challenges and she has become an expert in supporting children in various areas including their sensory processing, language development, praxis and motor planning, visual spatial awareness and social-emotional learning.

Joan is a DIRFloortime® Expert Training Leader. She is a huge proponent for creating warm and nurturing relationships with the children and their families and teachers by supporting their functional emotional developmental capacities.

Joan is also trained in the SCERTS model, where she learned to collaborate with the teachers, therapists and family members when setting specific learning goals and objectives for children. She respects parents as experts of their own children. She also considers each family’s unique strengths and needs as well as their cultural and religious values when determining their educational and treatment approaches.

Joan has the privilege to work with experts from overseas to help develop government sub-vented programmes including classroom curriculums, assessments and programme structures. She has also provided clinical support and in-service trainings to the teaching and therapy team.

Joan also had the opportunity to help build a number of non-subvented programmes such as pre-school programmes, social groups, Numicon groups, one-on-one DIR Floortime sessions and individual education sessions.

At TCC, Joan aims to support children's development and their families through affective, meaningful and thinking-based experiences.

Picture of Thomas Ho - Clinical Leader | Senior Occupational Therapist

Thomas Ho - Clinical Leader | Senior Occupational Therapist

About Thomas

Professional Qualifications

- Certified DIRFloortime® Practitioner (DIR-Proficient)
- Sensory Integration Certification Program (SIPT)
- Certificate in the SCERTS Model
- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Trained in Therapressure Programme and Oral Tactile Technique
- Certificate in M.O.R.E.: Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions
- Handwriting Without Tears: Level One Certification
- Certificate in Therapeutic Listening Program
- PECS certified – level one
- Certified TALI Health provider – a home-based attention programme
- Certificate in Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) for Children with - Developmental Disabilities
- Accredited facilitator for Level 3 Primary Care Triple P and Level 2 Selected Triple P
- Certificate in the Heep-Hong - Developmental Assessment Chart
- Certificate in Quickshifts – Shifting Gears
- Certificate in TalkTools® Oral Placement Therapy and Feeding Therapy:Sensory/Motor Approach
- The Ontario Assistive Devices Program (ADP) Authorizer (Seating & Mobility)


B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy), University of Toronto, Canada

Thomas began his career in occupational therapy over 20 years ago in Canada where he practised in various clinical settings within the hospital and his own private practice.

Thomas relocated to Hong Kong in 2012. He has since dedicated his services to helping children with special educational needs. Thomas has worked in private paediatric centres and an NGO focusing on children with ASD, ADHD, developmental delays, and other learning challenges.

Thomas has led and supervised a team of therapists including occupational therapists, speech therapists and physiotherapists. He helped to develop the government-subvented programmes in an Early Education Training Centre (EETC) and the Training Subsidy Programmes (TSP), as well as many non-subvented individual and group programmes. He has also helped to design and set up several sensory gyms within the centre as well as in the school setting.

Thomas is a proponent of relationship-based approach and intervention. He sees that there is a need in HK to be an advocate for the families, teachers, and other practitioners.

At TCC, Thomas is teaming up with some of his most dedicated colleagues to help children and families improve their skills every day in small but significant ways.

Picture of Julie Giles - Clinical Consultant | Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Julie Giles - Clinical Consultant | Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Professional Qualifications:

- B.Med. Sci. (Hons) (Speech Sciences) University of Sheffield (U.K.)
- Member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
- Trained in the Picture Exchange Communication System (P.E.C.S)
- Trained in the SCERTS model
- Accredited Provider of the following Triple P Positive Parenting

- Group Triple P
- Group Stepping Stones
- Primary Care
- Selected Seminars
- Trained in D.I.R Floortime model
- Trained in Makaton level 1 and 2

Julie is from the UK and trained as a Speech and Language Therapist at the University of Sheffield. Her initial professional experience was gained within the NHS in Kent and London, covering a varied caseload before moving to Hong Kong in 1990.

In Hong Kong, Julie has spent 22 years working for a local NGO providing specialist therapy and educational services to children with additional needs including ASD, ADHD and speech and language delay/disorder. Julie worked with children in both individual and group settings, collaborating closely with parents and carers. She is experienced in parent training both on an individual basis and through small workshops as well as larger presentations at corporate trainings. Julie has many years of experience of clinical supervision, managing a multidisciplinary team of therapists as well as being a member of the organisation’s Senior Management Team.

In addition, Julie has also provided Speech and Language Therapy within an international-school setting at secondary level, supporting teenagers with additional needs.

Picture of Alexander Yiu -  Occupational Therapist

Alexander Yiu - Occupational Therapist

About Alex

Professional Qualifications

- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Certified in Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI)- CLASI CASI
- Certified DIRFloortime® Practitioner (DIR-Basic)
- Certificate in SOS Approach

- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy- Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy- University of Santo Tomas, Philippines

Alex has been working with children with special needs for more than 8 years. After graduating in the Philippines, he decided to practice as an Occupational Therapist in Hong Kong and Mainland China. This gave him the opportunity to handle a wide variety of children such as ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Developmental delays (DD), and others. He was also involved in creating and implementing group sessions and Occupational Therapy interventions to provide evidence-based and client-centred interventions for children in Mainland China. Prior to joining TCC, Alex was as an OT supervisor for a reputable centre in China.

Alex is a strong advocate for client and family-centered practice, taking advantage of the child's strengths and family dynamic to create meaningful outcomes. He also enjoys creating an environment that is playful and suitable for learning at the same time.

Picture of Coley Yeung - Senior Occupational Therapist

Coley Yeung - Senior Occupational Therapist

About Coley

Professional Qualifications

- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Ayers Sensory Integration Certified (ASI)
- Trained in Therapressure Programme and Oral Tactile Technique
- Certification in Therapeutic Listening Program
- Certificate in DIRFloortime®
- Certificate in the SCERTS® Model
- Certification in Child Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
- Trained in Clinical Assessment and Practical Interventions for Praxis: From Ideation to Execution
- Certificated in TEACCH
- Trained in Davis Dyslexia Correction Program
- Trained in NDT on Developing Hand Function in Children
- Certificated in Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach, Talk Tools
- Trained in Application of the Principles of Conductive Education (CE) in Early intervention for Multiply Handicapped Children
- Certificated Children’s Yoga Teacher


- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States

Coley has more than 18 years of clinical experience specialising in providing occupational therapy to children from birth to primary school age. She provides evaluation and treatment services to children with sensory processing disorders, developmental delays, and neurological and genetic disorders.

Picture of Jonathan Li -  Occupational Therapist

Jonathan Li - Occupational Therapist

About Jonathan

Professional Qualifications

- B.Sc. (Human Development and Aging), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
- M.A.(Occupational Therapy), University of Southern California, Los Angeles
- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Ayers Sensory Integration Certified (ASI)
- Trained in Therapressure Programme and Oral Tactile Technique
- Certification in Therapeutic Listening Program
- Certificate in DIRFloortime®

Jonathan (Jon) grew up in Hong Kong. He completed his university studies in Los Angeles, California before returning to Hong Kong to practise as an Occupational Therapist. Jon has been working with children with special educational needs (SEN) for at least 5 years. He has practised in a special school setting and an NGO, both settings combined has exposed him to a wide range of children with different diagnoses including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Developmental Delays (DD) and many other learning challenges.

Jon advocates for individual differences and supports every child's unique learning profile. He believes that fostering a child's intrinsic motivation is the key to their learning and development of healthy routines and interests. Jon uses a multidisciplinary and family-centred approach in therapy. He collaborates with family members and other professionals to ensure that every child develops and engages in a supportive environment.

Picture of Joyce Cheng - Senior Occupational Therapist

Joyce Cheng - Senior Occupational Therapist

About Joyce

Professional Qualifications

- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Sensory Integration Certification Program (SIPT)
- Trained in Therapeutic Listening, Handwriting without tears and M.O.R.E


- BSc Occupational Therapy (HK Polytechnic University)

In 2009, Joyce was awarded HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund to complete her last clinical placement at the Women and Children’s hospital in Adelaide. In the same year, she graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy.

Joyce worked for two years in geriatrics at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, followed by four years as an occupational therapist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. During her time working under the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, she earned valuable clinical experiences in geriatrics, acute orthopaedics and paediatrics.

In 2014, she joined Heep Hong Society, a non-profit organisation helping children and adults with special educational needs (SEN). In 2021 Joyce moved into the private sector to work with individual schools and provide occupational therapy to their students.

To enhance her professional knowledge and skills in the paediatric field, Joyce completed the course of ‘Therapeutic Listening: listening with the whole body’ and attained several qualifications, including: Sensory Integration, Handwriting without Tears and M.O.R.E. (Integrating the mouth with sensory and postural functions).

Picture of Leah Liu - Occupational Therapist

Leah Liu - Occupational Therapist

About Leah

Professional Qualifications

- Certified DIRFloortime® Practitioner (DIR-Advanced)
- Ayres Sensory Integration Certified
- Certified in Handwriting without tears
- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)


- BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy
- Msc in Rehabilitation Science


Leah is a registered Occupational Therapist (part I) in Hong Kong and she gained her bachelor’s and master's degrees at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Leah has worked in public hospitals and private settings. Leah has extensive occupational therapy experience in the paediatric field, and she specializes in carrying out assessments and treatments for children with developmental delay, fine motor delay, sensory processing disorder and handwriting challenges.

Leah is passionate about DIR Floortime (DIR) and incorporating the sensory integration (ASI) approach into her practice. Both approaches are play-based and relationship-based methods to improve children's ability to meet challenges and be successful.

After years of being a mum, Leah has learned to develop copious self-regulation and co-regulation strategies, both are fundamental elements in the ASI and DIR frameworks. Leah resonates with parents' concerns and challenges. She is a good listener and has always been open to talking, sharing, and learning with the parents. She believes that parents are key members of the team who are most influential in guiding their children to make positive changes in their lives.

Leah values ongoing professional development. She is certified in Ayres Sensory Integration and Praxis Test, DIRFloortime, Therapressure© Brushing Protocol, Quickshift and the Handwriting Without Tears programme. On top of that, she has received diversified training in sensorimotor treatment approach and fine motor / handwriting training.

Leah is an easy going person with good interpersonal and communication skills. She can speak and practice in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Picture of Sonia Yu -  Occupational Therapist

Sonia Yu - Occupational Therapist

About Sonia

Professional Qualifications

- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Certification in Therapeutic Listening Program
- Certification in Quickshifts
- Certificate in M.O.R.E.: Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions
- Certificate in DIRFloortime®
- Certification in the CLASI: Certificate Program in Ayres Sensory Integration

- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)

Sonia received her Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) in Australia in 2016. She then worked in a not-for-profit organisation to provide individual therapy, school visit and home visit services to children and adults with special needs.

In 2019, Sonia returned to Hong Kong and then has worked in a known NGO, private centre and special school to deliver both individual and group- based services in both English and Cantonese to children with a range of needs. These include ASD, developmental delays, ADHD, sensory processing difficulties, cerebral palsy and other conditions.

Sonia is passionate about providing holistic and child/family-centred therapy for children and their families, aiming to make a difference in children’s lives and support them in reaching their full potential.

Picture of Steve Chan - Senior Occupational Therapist

Steve Chan - Senior Occupational Therapist

About Steve

Professional Qualifications

- Sensory Integration Certification Program (SIPT)
- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Certification in Therapeutic Listening Program
- HKOTA Certified Therapist for Copying Speed Test for Hong Kong Secondary Students
- Completed and certified in the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) Certification Examination


- BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy
- Msc in occupational therapy, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Steve completed his Master’s Degree in occupational therapy from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. Steve has been working with children with special education needs for more than 10 years. Steve has experience working in a variety of settings including private centres and school settings. Steve specialises in assessing and providing therapeutic interventions to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Developmental Delay and other specific learning difficulties (SLD).

Picture of Fiona Yim - Occupational Therapist

Fiona Yim - Occupational Therapist

Professional Qualification

- Member of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA)
- Registered Occupational Therapist, Australia
- Basic DIRFloortime® Provider
- Certificate in Quickshifts (Vital link)
- Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI) - Module 1
- Certificate in TalkTools® Oral Placement Therapy and Feeding Therapy:Sensory/Motor Approach


- MSc. in Occupational Therapy, the University of South Australia

Fiona is a registered Occupational Therapist in Australia and she has completed her studies and worked as an occupational therapist in Australia before returning to Hong Kong. Fiona has worked in an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) based child-care centre and also has experience working with children with developmental delay, attention deficits/ hyperactivity disorder and sensory processing disorder.

Fiona is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua).

Picture of Phoebe LEE  - Occupational Therapist

Phoebe LEE - Occupational Therapist

Professional Qualification

- BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy, Brunel University London
- ⁠Member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT)
- ⁠Registered Occupational Therapist, United Kingdom

About Phoebe

Phoebe is a registered Occupational Therapist in the United Kingdom (UK). Phoebe has clinical experience working in a school setting to provide interventions for children with various needs. She also has experience working with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensory Processing Disorder and Developmental Delay.
Phoebe is fluent in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Korean.

Picture of Preston Leung - Occupational Therapy Assistant

Preston Leung - Occupational Therapy Assistant

About Preston

Professional Qualification

- AHPRA Registered Occupational Therapist, Australia


- MSc in Global Health and Development - University College London (UCL)
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) - Monash University

Preston obtained his Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) from Monash University in Australia in 2021. During his studies, he volunteered at a private paediatric centre in Hong Kong, where he focused on supporting children with ASD, ADHD, developmental delays, and various learning challenges. Following this, he joined a national not-for-profit organisation in Melbourne, where he provided individualised occupational therapy services to children and adults with a range of physical, mental, and developmental disabilities. While pursuing further education in the UK, Preston gained valuable insights into different cultural contexts, learning to adapt his therapeutic approaches to meet the unique needs of diverse populations. He is deeply passionate about supporting children in need and believes that collaboration with schools and parents is crucial for delivering holistic treatment, enabling children to reach their full potential.

Preston is fluent in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua).

Picture of Vanessa TAN - Occupational Therapy Assistant

Vanessa TAN - Occupational Therapy Assistant

Professional Qualification

- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons), Western Sydney University
- AHPRA registered Occupational Therapist, Australia
- Environmental Home modification Program
- “Talk to Me” Program (Mental Health)

About Vanessa

Vanessa is a registered Occupational Therapist in Australia. She practised as an Occupational
Therapist within the aged care sector in Australia for 2 years. During her studies in university, she
worked as a support worker helping children with special educational needs and volunteered at a
paediatric centre in Malaysia.
Vanessa is fluent in English and Mandarin (Putonghua), as well as basic Cantonese and Malay.

Picture of Ann LEE -  Speech and Language Therapist

Ann LEE - Speech and Language Therapist

About Ann

Professional Qualifications

- Certified of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP)
- Member of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
- PROMPT-Trained
- Certificate in DIRFloortime®
- Expanding Expression Tool Training Certificate
- Six Bricks Level 1 & 2 Certificate
- Meaningful Speech TM Certificate (Echolalia Education course)


- Master of Speech-Language Pathology (Northwestern University, USA)
- Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences (University of Washington, USA)
- Bachelor of Psychology (UCLA, USA)

Ann is a bilingual (English and Cantonese) speech-language pathologist. Ann worked with primary and high school students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability whilst in the United States of America.

Since returning to Hong Kong in 2019, Ann has worked in private practices, international schools and for a non-government organization (NGO) helping children with diverse speech and language needs. Her experience is in the areas of developmental language disorder, speech sound disorders, fluency disorders, pragmatic language disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual disability.

Ann is passionate about play-based therapy and inspiring families to be creative and set up meaningful play environments at home to foster speech and language development. She also strongly believes in the undeniable value of an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to help children generalize their skills.

After work, Ann is an active content creator on Instagram with her “The Speechie Street”
page to share everything speech therapy related.

Picture of Jenny - Speech and Language Therapist

Jenny - Speech and Language Therapist

About Jenny

Having experiences in speech therapy for children with special needs in pre-school and special school settings, Jenny believes that catering to their unique learning needs is essential to maximise their achievements.

Apart from pursuing continuous professional development to deliver the latest approaches in her therapy, Jenny also emphasises the functionality of language use and is enthusiastic to relate sessions to children’s living environment in order to support their growth and development.


- M.Sc. Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities, The Education University of Hong Kong
- B.Ed. (Hons) (English Language Teaching and English Language Studies), Open University of Hong Kong

Professional Qualifications

- Registered Teacher (HK)
- Member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
- TalkTools®️ A Sensory Motor Approach to Apraxia of Speech and Related Motor Speech Disorder
- TalkTools®️ OPT (Oral Placement Therapy) Level 1 & 2
- Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention
- Trained in the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Advances in Communication Assessment and Theory of Mind Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- The PEERS®️ Curriculum for School-Based Professionals: Social Skills Training for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Picture of Karen Lo -  Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Karen Lo - Senior Speech and Language Therapist

About Karen

Professional Qualifications

- Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) of the American Speech- Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
- PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT) Bridging
- Orton Gillingham (OG)
- The Sequential Oral Sensory (S.O.S) Approach to Feeding
- Hanen Institute: More Than Words
- LEGO®-based therapy
- TalkTools® Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) Level one & two
- Certicate in DIRFloortime®


- M.Sc., Communication Disorders, Minot State University, United States

Karen has gained extensive experience through working in multiple settings (private centres, NGO and international schools) throughout Hong Kong. She has held different positions and is currently a clinical supervisor at an established NGO. Karen specializes in working with children from birth-to-eight years and those who have motor speech difficulties. She works closely with families to empower caregivers to assist their children in reaching their full potential.

Karen continues to commit herself to continued professional development to ensure that her practice remains current and evidence based.

Picture of Stacey Pevcic -  Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Stacey Pevcic - Senior Speech and Language Therapist

About Stacey

Professional Qualifications:

- B.Sc. (Speech Pathology), Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
- Certified Practising Speech Pathologist, Member of - Speech Pathology Australia
- Trained in Hanen ‘It Takes Two to Talk’
- Trained in the Lidcombe Program
- Certificate in DIRFloortime

Stacey has had over 10 years experience working as a paediatric speech therapist in Australia. During this time, Stacey worked in a multidisciplinary child development clinic dedicated to supporting children with developmental delays and difficulties. She offered a comprehensive range of assessment, early intervention, and treatment services tailored to her clients. Stacey also worked in schools for children with developmental language disorder, working alongside teachers to support students in reaching their academic and social potential.

Stacey’s expertise spans various areas including language, speech, fluency and social communication delays/disorders. Stacey has had experience working with clients one-on-one and in small group settings. She has also led a number of parent workshops, providing parents with the tools to support their child’s ongoing communication development.

Stacey is passionate about providing play-based therapy, supporting her clients in reaching their goals in a fun, enjoyable environment. Stacey also values the important role that caregivers play in their child’s lives and believes in collaborating with caregivers to facilitate the acquisition and generalisation of skills.

Stacey is committed to ongoing professional development to ensure her practice is aligned with current best evidence.

Picture of Justin Mak -  Speech and Language Therapist

Justin Mak - Speech and Language Therapist

About Justin

Professional Development

- Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
- Certified provider of Beckman Oral Motor Examination & Intervention ©
- Certified provider of Accelerating Reading Ability programme for dyslexia in Chinese
- Certified user of Main Concept Analysis – Cantonese
- Eligible user of the Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS)
- Eligible user of the Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL)
- Eligible user of the Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGCNT)


- Bachelor of Science (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong

Justin is a dedicated speech-language pathologist with experience working with preschool, school-age, and adolescent children facing communication difficulties in language, articulation, voice, fluency, and social communication. His linguistic competence in Cantonese, Mandarin, English, and French allows him to assess and address the communication needs of children with multilingual backgrounds. He has worked closely with children with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, ADHD, and intellectual disability, understanding the importance of equipping them with the necessary skills for communication at home and in school.

Compassion, care, and creativity are at the core of Justin's therapeutic approaches, creating a comfortable and conducive environment for children to express themselves. He believes in collaboration with parents and professionals from other disciplines to develop holistic and practical approaches. Guided by evidence-based practice, earnestness, and enthusiasm, Justin is committed to empowering children to reach their full potential and establish meaningful connections with caregivers, peers, and the world.

Picture of Longson Ng -  Speech and Language Therapist

Longson Ng - Speech and Language Therapist

About Longson

Professional Qualifications

- Certified Practising Speech Pathologist, Member of Speech Pathology Australia (CPSP, MSPA)
- Former external secretary and executive committee member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
- More Than Words ®, The Hanen Centre
- It Takes Two to Talk ®, The Hanen Centre
- Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) level 1


- Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) (Hons), The University of Sydney, Australia

Longson has worked in multiple clinical settings in Hong Kong, including private centres, community rehabilitation centres, schools, and social service centres. He is currently serving as a clinical supervisor at the Education University of Hong Kong. Longson strongly believes in a child-centred therapy approach and values open communication with families, caregivers, and other professionals involved in a child's life to gain a holistic understanding of their needs. In addition to evidence-based practice, he recognises the importance of empathy as a crucial element in achieving successful and effective therapy outcomes, enabling children to reach their full potential.

Picture of Vivian Mak - Speech and Language Therapist

Vivian Mak - Speech and Language Therapist

About Vivian

Professional Qualifications

- Clinical Certified Member of Speech-Language & Audiology Canada
- Registered member of Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists
- Full member of Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists
- Certified DIRFloortime® Practitioner (DIR-Basic)
- Certificate in Lindamood Bell® - Visualizing and Verbalizing
- Certificate in PROMPT Institute® - Introduction to PROMPT Technique
- Certificate in Social Stories™ - Social Stories 10.3
- Trained in Social Thinking®
- Certificate in TalkTools® Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) Level one & two
- Certified provider of Play Included C.I.C ® - The Brick by Brock Program
- Certified provider of The Hanen Program® - More Than Words


- MSc. Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- BA in Psychology, University of Washington, United States

Vivian has extensive experience working with children from preschool to secondary years with various needs on speech, language and social communication development. She has experiences in the private and the school settings, specializes in working with late talkers and children with language disorder, autism spectrum disorder and attention deficits/ hyperactivity disorder. She places great value on early intervention and provide training to meet children’s functional needs. Vivian is passionate in leading social skills groups. She is experienced in hosting Social Thinking® groups and incorporating activities to support children's social communication and executive function development.

Vivian is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua).

Picture of Bonnie Lam - Special Child Care Worker

Bonnie Lam - Special Child Care Worker

About Bonnie

Professional Qualifications

- Registered Teacher/ Child Care Worker/ Special Child Care Worker
- Trained in The Zones of Regulation®
- Certificate in the SCERTS® Model
- Trained in PATHS® - Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies
- Certificate in DIRFloortime®


- PGDE, Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Diploma in Special Child Care Work, School of Continuing Education Hong Kong Baptist University
- BSc, Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Picture of Marry - Specific Needs Educator

Marry - Specific Needs Educator

About Marry

Marry is a dedicated educator with extensive experience in working with English-speaking families. She has a strong background in providing support and guidance to children with diverse developmental challenges, including ASD, ADHD, developmental delay, and specific learning difficulties. Marry's passion lies in building rapport and warm relationships with both the children and their families.

With her deep understanding of the unique needs of children with developmental challenges, Marry is committed to creating a nurturing and inclusive learning environment. She believes that fostering strong connections with children and their families is crucial for their overall growth and success. Marry's compassionate and patient approach ensures that each child feels valued, supported, and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Marry is particularly passionate about supporting children's reading and writing skills. She has completed The Orton-Gillingham (OG) Programme, which has equipped her with specialized knowledge and techniques to assist children in their literacy development. By incorporating the principles of the OG Programme, Marry provides individualized instruction and interventions tailored to each child's unique learning style and needs.


- BEd in Special Needs Education

Professional Qualification

- Trained in Numicon Early Intervention Programme
- Trained in The Orton-Gillingham (OG) Programme

Picture of Frances Occhipinti – Clinical Psychologist

Frances Occhipinti – Clinical Psychologist

About Frances

Professional Qualifications

- Registered Psychologist at AHPRA
- Endorsed Clinical Psychologist, Australian Psychological Society
- Member Hong Kong Psychological Society
- Certified Autism Diagnostic Schedule™, Second Edition (ADOS®-2) Administrator
- Certified Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI®-R) Administrator
- Certified Westmead Feelings Program® Facilitator


- The School Neuropsychology PG Certification Program - Current
- Masters in Clinical Psychology (University of Queensland, Australia)
- BA(Hons) in Psychology (University of Queensland, Australia)

Clinical Psychologist, Frances Occhipinti, is a specialist in children's development and learning, having worked in this area for over 20 years. She has a vast range of child assessment, diagnosis and clinical experience gained in private practice, educational and health settings. Frances assesses and treats a range of academic, learning, neurodevelopmental, social, emotional and behavioural concerns.

Frances is a skilled assessor of specific learning concerns, such as reading disorders, writing disorders and mathematics disorders, and specialises in psychoeducational assessments. She has regularly consulted with schools to provide recommendations for supporting students that are targeted and evidence-based. Frances provides assessment and support services to students with learning needs such as learning disorders, giftedness, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Additionally, Frances is highly experienced in assessing ASD in girls.

In therapy, Frances takes a cognitive behavioural and skills-based approach, working with children, adolescents and adults in areas such as anxiety management, social and communication skills, problem solving, behavioural concerns and emotion management.

Frances provides tailored and comprehensive psychoeducational assessments using standardised and internationally recognised tools. She is currently completing a post-graduate certification in School Neuropsychology. Frances is certified to administer the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), which are the gold standard diagnostic instruments for autism. Frances is an endorsed Clinical Psychologist with the Australian Psychological Society (APS). She has served as Queensland Coordinator for the APS Child, Adolescent and Family Interest Group and is an ongoing member. Frances is also a member of the Psychologists in Schools and Intellectual Disability & Autism Interest Groups. Frances is also an International Affiliate of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA).

Picture of Vivien Lee - Educational Psychologist

Vivien Lee - Educational Psychologist

About Vivien

Professional Qualifications

- Member of the Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists (HKAEP)
- Member of Hong Kong Society - Division of Educational Psychology (HKPS-DEP)
- Member of the Register of Educational Psychologists accredited by the Department of Health

Vivien has been working as an educational psychologist in diverse settings, including government, non-governmental organisations (NGO) and international schools, giving her a wealth of experience working with toddlers, children, adolescents, parents and teachers. In her previous roles, she conducted territory-wide seminars for schools and participated in various educational projects, focusing on services for twice-exceptional students, support strategies for executive functioning and attention control skills, and positive behaviour support. She also specialises in assessing and supporting students with different learning, behavioural and emotional needs, including specific learning difficulties in reading and writing, autism, and anxiety issues.

Vivien is also a qualified secondary school teacher and has experience in teaching students with neurodivergent conditions and working in a public welfare organisation for pre-school students with special needs. She is committed to supporting students, families and schools by applying psychological theories and delivering evidence-based interventions in educational settings.

Picture of Dr. Ricky Tso - Educational Psychologist

Dr. Ricky Tso - Educational Psychologist

About Ricky

Professional Qualifications:

- Registered Practitioner Psychologist (Educational Psychologist), HCPC(UK)
- Associate Fellow & Registered Educational Psychologist, HKPS
- Registered Teacher, HKSARG
- Educational Psychologist in Accredited Register (Department of Health, HKSAR)

- Ph.D. (In Ed. Psy.), HKU
- M.Phil., HKU
- B.Soc.Sc. (1st Hon.), HKU

Prof. Ricky Tso is presently an Assistant Professor in special education at a local university. He was an Assistant Professor at EdUHK from 2017 to 2023, where he served as the supervisor and co-founder of the Psychological Assessment and Clinical Research Unit. In 2022, he was selected as one of the Emerging Research Scholars. He obtained his PhD (Educational Psychology) from HKU and is a registered teacher, a registered practitioner in Educational Psychology and Associate Fellow in Hong Kong Psychological Society, as well as a Member of the Register of Educational Psychologists accredited by the Department of Health. His work aims to uncover the neurocognitive mechanisms of learning, particularly in special populations, and translate his research findings into practice. He has published in various international academic journals such as Psychological Science, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, and Clinical Infectious Diseases. Prof. Tso's work aims at improving our understanding of learning and cognition and for developing effective interventions to support students with diverse learning needs.