Sensory processing is the process for us to organise and respond to information that comes in through the senses for use in daily life including school, play and self-care activities. Children with sensory-processing difficulties have specific sensory issues that can impede their ability to learn and appropriately interact with others.
This can present as self-stimulation behaviours including excessively touching people and things in the nearby environment, spinning, hand flapping, hyperactivity, or hypersensitive to people and the environment such as emotional meltdown in crowded places, not interacting with their peers, overly cautious to the point where they are not participating in regular play or school activities.
– Sensory and emotional regulation
– Attention
– Turn-taking
– Gross-motor skills
– Social-communication
– Skills Self-esteem.
AGE 4 to 6 years
LED BY Occupational Therapist
SIZE Maximum of 5 children