The Children's Centre - Development and Learning

Speech and Language Therapy

Our speech therapists work with children who have a range of communication and learning difficulties. We provide comprehensive assessment and intervention to meet your child’s specific needs. We work closely with families, schools and teachers to provide the techniques needed to participate in the treatment process. Common communication and learning challenges may be present in (but are not limited to) the following areas:

Articulation and phonology – difficulty producing sounds that are expected at a certain age, leading to reduced intelligibility of speech and frustration.


Receptive language – difficulty understanding language, e.g. following directions, understanding grammatical rules and following details of a story.


Expressive language – difficulty using language to express thoughts and ideas in tasks such as word retrieval, telling and recalling stories, and making connections between words and ideas.


Social communication – difficulty learning and applying social cognition such as perspective-taking and social inferencing, impacting the quality of social interactions and the formation of friendships.


Stuttering and dysfluency – disruptions in normal speech flow. Speech may be halted and can include repetition of words, prolongation of speech sounds and fillers.


Reading and writing – difficulty sounding out letters or words, comprehending texts, and producing written materials in an age-appropriate manner.


Available for children from birth to eighteen years.


All children new to The Children’s Centre (TCC) must receive an assessment to inform treatment goals and priorities.