Frequent Asked Questions

Cancellation Policy

At TCC, we have the following policy:

  • Our weekly appointments are booked in advance. If an appointment needs to be cancelled, a minimum of 24 hours of notice is required. Late cancellations (less than 24 hours) and no show will be charged in full.  

  • If a cancellation needs to be made due to an emergency or if your child is sick and is unable to attend the appointment, please inform us at your earliest possible time. 

  • TCC is dedicated to providing the best possible services to help our children and families, make-up sessions are arranged whenever possible for any missed sessions due to sickness, emergency, and cancellation due to extreme weather conditions (please refer to our Weather Policy). 

Weather Policy

TCC has the weather policy in place to ensure the safety of our children and families, and also to ensure our staff can safely travel to and from our Centre.

  • If Typhoon No. 8 or above, or  Black Rainstorm warning it remains in effect at 8.00am, TCC will be closed until the signal is lowered or cancelled. 

  • If the above-mentioned signals are lowered or cancelled before 11.30am, TCC will reopen. The afternoon sessions will proceed as usual within two hours from the signals are lowered.

  • Make-up sessions are arranged whenever possible for any cancellations due to inclement weather conditions.